Education in Ancient India: In this lecture, we will discuss the age old principles and practices of the Gurukulas and Pathshalas that prevailed all over India for centuries in unbroken continuity. The pedagogical concepts such as Sravana, Manana and Nididhyasana, forming the bedrock of Indian education will be explained in this lecture.

Women in Ancient India: In this lecture, we will examine the place and role of women in early Indian society as far as the sources allow us to reconstruct it. Women in India have played a crucial role in the construction of Indian family and society while also contributing significantly to Indic Knowledge System.

Indian Models of Economy, Business and Management: In this lecture, we will discuss the fundamentals of Indian models of economy, business and management. Contrary to dominant academic opinion, there are Indian models of economy which are functioning all over rural and urban India. They are practiced and sustained by traditional Indian economic wisdom.

Indian Calendar: In this lecture, we will discuss the science behind Indian calendar. Indian calendar is a collective term for the various lunisolar calendars traditionally used in India. We will discuss how traditional Indian calendar is an accurate and scientific calendar, which avoids superstitions and historical untruths. In India, agricultural success required a good calendar which could predict the monsoons accurately. The Indian calendar has a concept of the rainy months of Sawan and Bhadon, known to every Indian child through the culture. Indian calendar has led to the development of well-defined manuals for ideal 'ahaar' (diet) and 'vihaar' (life-style) in synch with rhythm of nature.

Indian Ecological Tradition: In this lecture, we will understand the unique aspects of Indian ecological practices. India has a unique vision of ecology. Unlike some other dominant civilizations in the world, India always developed human institutions which were in harmony with Nature, its flora and fauna. The practice of agriculture, like other things, is also not uniform across cultures and civilization. India had a unique agricultural tradition which incorporated the human resources as well as the natural conditions most optimally.